Maple Cayenne Acorn Squash

Baked Acorn Squash with Maple Syrup and Cayenne

Start by baking the whole squash for about half an hour at 350*. Remove the squash from the oven, slice in half, remember it’s 🔥 HOT! Remove the seeds. Gently stab the squash with a fork without piercing the skin.

Now add 2 Tablespoons butter, salt, pepper and Cayenne pepper to each side. Pour about a half a cup or more of maple syrup into each side. Return to the oven and continue baking another 20-30 minutes or until the flesh is tender to the fork. The Maple Syrup and butter mixture should be mostly absorbed into the squash.

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Scoop the squash out of the skins, mash, add more butter and/or Maple Syrup if desired. So yummy! I love the extra kick the Cayenne gives it.

Baked Acorn Squash with Maple Syrup

Pre-baking the squash before adding the Maple syrup and butter allows more to absorb into the flesh of the squash. Also it’s SO much easier to cut the squash! I prebake all my winter squash now!

#maplerecipe #organicfoods #wintersquash #squash #recipe #organicmaplesyrup